Tayfun Sen

Tayfun Sen

Edinburgh, Scotland


What does your city mean to you?

I love the accessible nature of Edinburgh. It is walkable, not crowded (except for the festival month of August!) and breathable. You can keep your peace here, but at the same time there’s so much going on. I think I like the best of both worlds approach to cities 🙂 Even if it is hectic, there should be a place you can come back to be alone.

Name one city you would like to live in – and why?

Oooh that’s a tough one. It seems that for me at least, I start dreaming about living in the last city or town I visited. For Netherlands, I remember cycling through even the smallest villages and thinking I can live there. Almost like Bauelaire: “Il me semble que je serais toujours bien la ou je ne suis pas.” But to come back to the question, I think it could be London! Not only the last city I’ve been to, but also a melting pot of cultures!